Art mate est renovation, including cosmetic repairs, painting, decorating, refurbishment, renovation, major repairs, alterations, conversions, extensions, and retrofitting.

We combine more than 25 Years Of Experience with Creativity and Innovative Techniques. Superior quality Dutchboy solutions & systems.
Our expertise and craftsmanship have been developed over 25 years, to perform a wide range of waterproofing and restoration services.
Epoxy /PU flooring solution provides aesthetically good seamless anti-skid flooring at the car park area with the proper marking of driveways, pathways, entry-exit arrows, direction arrows along with floor layout, fluorescent reflectors, etc. It helps for smooth and safe operation, atmospheres in the respective areas.
Our team of specialist applicators have the experience and expertise to deliver the optimum flooring solutions.

About us

Art Mate est was established in December 1998 in Beirut, Lebanon to provide exceptional renovation, maintenance and decorative construction services in cooperation with trusted partners.
